About me...
- KH Meyers -

I am first and foremost a family man. I have 4 successful sons and am called “Papa” by 3 nearly perfect grandchildren. But I also extend that same love of family to close friends. It’s fitting that the first book I published was about family. As Theo learns in his adventure, “Family’s enough.”
I have 38 years’ experience in education including elementary classroom teacher, school principal and college instructor with a doctorate in School Leadership. During that time, I have authored or co-authored articles and monographs published in professional journals on various aspects of leadership and the principalship.
Now that I’m retired, I have turned my attention to 4 worthwhile hobbies: family and friends, woodworking,
traveling (when possible), and writing.
My writing ranges from serious to silly spanning all ages. Currently, I am thoroughly enjoying writing children’s stories in rhyme. Writing like that, to me, is similar to putting together a thousand-piece puzzle. Not only do I have to tell a story that makes sense, but the placement and choice of words that rhyme while maintaining the same meter (flow) make it that much more challenging.
I am very interested in visiting schools, libraries and teacher conferences to share some of my stories and what I’ve learned about writing and/or publishing. For example, I teach a unit on Anapestic tetrameter (the style of poetry Dr. Seuss and I use) to classes 3rd grade and up. Anyone interested can click here to schedule a visit.